phantasmal baddies + faces
Posted: October 22, 2009 Filed under: Art, Misc Crap | Tags: mspaint, personal, Phantasmal, sketch 1 Comment »Still havent decided just what I want enemies in phantasmal to look like, heres where I am leaning:
also I suck at drawing faces, especially giving them specific expressions, so I started practising that today:
sooner or later I’ll get the hang of it and in a way tat matches my drawing style… I hope.
but really I spent most of my day playing FFX-2 and re-reading Venus Envy, its a really cool webcomic about teens with gender issues, its not the ultimate insight into being transgendered, but I can say there’s alot of stuff Zoe (the main chara) goes through and thinks that I had to deal with myself (though she’s been in much more serious situations than I ever have, I seem to be the lucky tranny no one ever picked on, or tried to kill for the leading role in the school play ^_^)
and whilst we are on trans-related bloggings; I’ve been taking hormones a while now and they recently started kicking in (and hard) so I’m blaming my big gap in game-making on puberty 2.0, but I’m finding my motivation to do it again and even did a little work on phantasmal today too, so yay 😀
Arrow Girl Sketches
Posted: October 19, 2009 Filed under: Art | Tags: Arrowa, mspaint, sketch 2 Comments »Just some sketches of a new chara, not found a use for her yet but I have to find one, I think shes too cool not to use;
also I’ll try and upload my daily sketchings in one post at the end of the day from now, in case anyone is crazy enough to be subscribing to this I dont want to clutter their inbox ^_^
In hiding
Posted: October 19, 2009 Filed under: Art | Tags: mspaint, satan, sketch Leave a comment »My housemate said that for a crappy blog, my work wasn’t really that crap, so here’s something religious.
I’d quite like to do a series of this, where satan is crashing at this girls place not calling god as often as he should and generally causing problems for folk…
I doubt I will though, I want to make a series/game/movie/novel from every little thing I do and this is… well, crap 🙂
Posted: October 17, 2009 Filed under: Art, Misc Crap | Tags: mspaint, sketch 2 Comments »WordPress Girl made me a new blog where I shall put crappy stuff!

Her superpower is giving irritating assholes across the internet a voice
Since I only use my ‘main’ blog for stuff I consider reasonably decent, its left me with a huge surplus of total shit rubbish pants stuff that never gets posted, and this makes me sad as the vast majority of my stuff consists of crap, but crap I like, so yeah, this is my crappy blog 🙂
I’ll start out by posting something I started today:

I hereby promise this blog will have more Zombies, robots and boobs than my othher one
FYI, I’m going to post images big, especially if like the above, they are done in paint and I want to keep the pixels.
anyhoo, you probably wont subscribe, but in case you like crap, you totally should. also as this blog is not trying to be classy like my other one, if there is some dispicable horrific thing you want to see me draw (or model, or make a game of, or make papercraft of) just say so in the comments, I get bored alot and any ideas to for me to practice my crappy skills with are welcome.
I said ‘crappy’ too much in this post, isnt that crap?