Posted: February 3, 2010 Filed under: Art | Tags: livestream, mspaint Leave a comment »So I recently started drawing over livestream, heres the pics so far:
I announce on twitter before I broadcast, but in the future I’ll try leave a recording online so you can check back if you miss it 🙂
more miniLD, also a Fair sketch
Posted: November 15, 2009 Filed under: 3D, Art | Tags: arabflak, fair, freaky shit, logan, ludumdare, miniLD, mspaint Leave a comment »Well its the end of another day miniLDing with ArabFlak, and because we started 12.30pm yesterday, I can sleep twice during the 48 hours and still have time to finish up the game morewhich is cool as its technically all there, just not very fun… very freaky though:
also I had time before doctor who (which was awesome btw) to do an illustration for my NaNoWriMo novel, this is Aella just before the end of Act 1:
Posted: November 12, 2009 Filed under: Art | Tags: mspaint, sketch Leave a comment »So I woke up this morning and had an idea about a girl who wishes upon a different star every night that she could become a magical girl (y’know, Â like I am =p) Â and then one night she wishes on the little known ‘satan star’ which is where all the evil souls are sent when they die.
what happens is she gets her wish granted… sort of, she actually becomes a reaper, and has to kill all the people due to die and go to hell in her town.
anyhoo, here’s how I imagine her ‘mid’ transform looks, her full one would be something pretty scary.
I thought almost immediately of a few plots and stories that could come out of it and I figured I might make a one-shot comic of the idea, but then I got to thinking that I could do some pretty original gameplay type stuff with the concept too, so she’s going on my ‘cool game ideas I want to make happen but probably wont have the time’ shelf.
oh, and the gameboy is her demon trainer’s earthly form, and he gets really pissed whenever he’s used to play actual video games, especially cute games 😀
anyhoo, I have a novel to get back to writing!
Riding the Glyph
Posted: November 3, 2009 Filed under: Art, Crappy Writing | Tags: fair, mspaint, nanowrimo, sketch Leave a comment »Calling it a day early this time, lots of plot stuff happened and I don’t know where the characters want to go next, so ima sleep on it. in the meantime here an illustration containing spoilers from chapter 31:
And the stats:
- Total Wordcount: 16,379
- Today’s count: Â 3,413
and the latest version (new chapters start at 29): Fair_Day03
Doll and samurai in the chess house
Posted: November 2, 2009 Filed under: Art, Crappy Writing | Tags: fair, mspaint, nanowrimo, sketch Leave a comment »It’s a pretty rough sketch of when Doll and the samurai meet in chapter 8:

I actually cried when I wrote their third chapter together, never done that when writing before, I'm told its a good thing by other writers though.
Anyhoo, heres the end of day 2 stats:
- Total Wordcount: 12,966
- Today’s count: 3865
and here’s the latest pdf (new stuff starts at chapter 20) Fair_Day02