Day 6, Act one complete, new cover

Well it’s been a pretty good day, well, there was a point where I was afraid to go into my room and was put off writing for a few hours cuz a wasp got in and I have a massive fear of the bastards… but apart from that today was all good, I completed Act one of the novel, which clocks in at almost half the NaNoWriMo target wordcount.

also I made fresh art for the cover, (also its the first non-mspaint art on the blog, ohmigods!)

from left to right; Claire, Timon, Aella (also they may be the best clouds I've ever done in photoshop)

from left to right; Claire, Timon, Aella (also they may be the best clouds I've ever done in photoshop)

anyhoo, here are todays vitals:

  • Total word count: 22,130
  • Today’s count: 3,382 (back on form baby!)

ok, if you want to read it so far here is the pdf (new chapters start at 42): Fair_Day06

also seeing as how some of you guys have confessed to actually reading these updates, now you have to tell me what you think of the first act, what are your opinions on the characters? on the fights? or the story in general? you suckers admitted to reading this crap so now you have to tell me what you think! ha! =p

NaNoWriMo day 5

I know I skipped a day, but yesterday my plot stalled and I had to plan out the next few story arcs before I got to writing again, but writing rseumed today so all is well!

no illustration today mind, but you’ll live without one, heck I dont think anyone readsese posts anyway so whatever 😀

  • Total Wordcount:  18,748
  • Today’s Count: 2369 ( a new low, but still well above the daily target)

and heres the pdf (new chapters continue from 34) Fair_Day05

Riding the Glyph

Calling it a day early this time, lots of plot stuff happened and I don’t know where the characters want to go next, so ima sleep on it. in the meantime here an illustration containing spoilers from chapter 31:

I was as suprised as Aella when Claire revealed she could do stuff like that

I was as suprised as Aella when Claire revealed she could do stuff like that

And the stats:

  • Total Wordcount: 16,379
  • Today’s count:  3,413

and the latest version (new chapters start at 29): Fair_Day03

Doll and samurai in the chess house

It’s a pretty rough sketch of when Doll and the samurai meet in chapter 8:

I actually cried when I wrote their third chapter together, never done that when writing before, I'm told its a good thing by other writers though.

I actually cried when I wrote their third chapter together, never done that when writing before, I'm told its a good thing by other writers though.

Anyhoo, heres the end of day 2 stats:

  • Total Wordcount: 12,966
  • Today’s count: 3865

and here’s the latest pdf (new stuff starts at chapter 20) Fair_Day02


End of day 1 for my first NaNoWriMo, want to know what my word count is only 9101… I’m just that hardcore.

…actually I’m not, that really took alot of energy, I’ll be going at a much more reasonable pace for the rest of the month, I was mostly driving myself so hard today to catch up with some of my writing buddies and also so I could make the >9000 gag a few times.

anyway, heres some art related to the novel I’m writing:

ch2_AellaBar02That’s Aella, she works at a (really, really) crummy bar at the star, little does she realise she has a destiny, yay cliche!

still though, writing this is so much fun, I’m really pushing to do stuff I wouldnt when I’m writing for games, like I have a load of different storylines going on simultaneously, I’m playing around the the format of the books to express stuff (one of the chapter’s titles is about half the length of the chapter itself… and its a short title ^_^)

I never really tried writing a novel as a novel before and this is fun, I also think the story might make a really cool webcomic at some point, but after this month I might be sick of it, who knows! 😀

any way, I wore myself out today, I need some sleep -_- night guys o/

edit: hey, why dont I post my story each day? here is the first: Fair_Day01