Day 6, Act one complete, new cover
Posted: November 6, 2009 Filed under: Art, Crappy Writing | Tags: fair, nanowrimo, sketch 7 Comments »Well it’s been a pretty good day, well, there was a point where I was afraid to go into my room and was put off writing for a few hours cuz a wasp got in and I have a massive fear of the bastards… but apart from that today was all good, I completed Act one of the novel, which clocks in at almost half the NaNoWriMo target wordcount.
also I made fresh art for the cover, (also its the first non-mspaint art on the blog, ohmigods!)

from left to right; Claire, Timon, Aella (also they may be the best clouds I've ever done in photoshop)
anyhoo, here are todays vitals:
- Total word count: 22,130
- Today’s count: 3,382 (back on form baby!)
ok, if you want to read it so far here is the pdf (new chapters start at 42): Fair_Day06
also seeing as how some of you guys have confessed to actually reading these updates, now you have to tell me what you think of the first act, what are your opinions on the characters? on the fights? or the story in general? you suckers admitted to reading this crap so now you have to tell me what you think! ha! =p
Pretty grim world she’s living in. I find it well written and as much as i hate reading, i was curious to find out what was on the next page. So i managed to read 5 pages, before i comment here to ask when the film will be out. I’d definitely watch it.
Couldn’t help reading a few more pages. It gets better all the time, but i think 26 is a daft number for the number of bracelets around. Sorry for the destructive criticism. I could add constructively that you might use a number divisible by many other numbers, like 36 or 24.
Yeah 26 is odd, the original plan was to have one warrior for each letter of the english alphabet and name them accordingly, but I’m finding I might actually run out of warriors needed to tell the story, so if I do I’ll just add more and change the number 😀
It would be cool to have some sound numerology behind the number, something not unlike .. “3 were given to the Elves .., 9 to Men” 🙂 I think such a numerological background always adds to both the magic and depth/realism of the story.
Or maybe this is not that kind of story, i don’t know. To me it’s all in the detail.
well the distribution of the bracelets happened 80 years or so before the story starts when the white event happens, and went to the people with the strongest will at the time (or were place in a way they would fall through time to people with the strongest will, not decided yet).
I will go into much more detail about the white event if I can, though I kind of shot myself in the foot having Claire kidnapped, as being the only one to read that giant book of his means he knows more about it that anyone else.
its definitely something I want to cover, and as a teaser one of the warriors still alive was present at the white event itself (yay I’m a tease!)
So the bracelets are bound to be in the hands of the strongest: is that because they are the only ones who can handle this kind of power, or do the bracelets have their own agenda?
Maybe i should just wait for the trailer 🙂
the bracelets themselves don’t have any agenda (they aren’t the one ring or anything ^_^) the reason the pull towards each other is the result of a physical reaction.
thats not to say they dont serve a purpose, but that comes out in the story so I wont go into it here 🙂