Day 24, much better :)


  • Total words: 42,589
  • Today’s words: 2,081

new chapters start at 95 (though I changed 94 a teensy bit too): Fair_Day24

writing was much better today, like Willem commented on the last post, after being stuck in a rut it builds up pressure and you work much faster afterwards, not only did I lay down a respectable wordcount I also arted plenty too. (not fair-related but meh)

first some more playing around with blender’s sculpt mode:


also I did some photoshop scribblings of a girl’s first day of training after joining cyborg operations (the first training exercise determines what parts of your body are better off mechanical):

cyborgtraining01I also heard a rumour that today the new version of blender would be released and I got all excited but its a no-show so far… apart from that though its been a pretty productive day for me 😀

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