Posted: November 12, 2009 Filed under: Art | Tags: mspaint, sketch Leave a comment »So I woke up this morning and had an idea about a girl who wishes upon a different star every night that she could become a magical girl (y’know, like I am =p) and then one night she wishes on the little known ‘satan star’ which is where all the evil souls are sent when they die.
what happens is she gets her wish granted… sort of, she actually becomes a reaper, and has to kill all the people due to die and go to hell in her town.
anyhoo, here’s how I imagine her ‘mid’ transform looks, her full one would be something pretty scary.
I thought almost immediately of a few plots and stories that could come out of it and I figured I might make a one-shot comic of the idea, but then I got to thinking that I could do some pretty original gameplay type stuff with the concept too, so she’s going on my ‘cool game ideas I want to make happen but probably wont have the time’ shelf.
oh, and the gameboy is her demon trainer’s earthly form, and he gets really pissed whenever he’s used to play actual video games, especially cute games 😀
anyhoo, I have a novel to get back to writing!
Day 11, != OTL, 3 milestones passed plus art!
Posted: November 11, 2009 Filed under: Art, Crappy Writing | Tags: fair, nanowrimo, sketch Leave a comment »So yeah, three milestones today:
- 30,000 words (woo)
- 69 Chapters
- 69 Pages
69 is a milestone? yes. it is 😐
also, here’s a quick sketch of Zephyr, also its the present zephyr, dont picture him like this in all those childhood flashbacks… please -_-;
now let me unload some stat-fu on yo’ ass:
- Total Words: 30,188
- Today’s words: 3,879 (booyah! I’m back on form!)
New chapters start at 63: Fair_Day11
now yesterday I promised this update would have, and I quote; “‘present’ chapters, hopefully a girl-on-girl kiss and maybe even a fight.”
well guess what, you get TWO fights, ones a little short but the other one is extra long and intense to make up for it. we also see Aella’s full potential power, and learn Polot’s motives in Kidnapping Claire and his mother… not to mention we have a flashback to a week or so before the white event itself, 80 years ago!
all in all I am very happy with today’s writings, and I’m about to reward myself with ice cream 😀
Day 8, Magical Girl Comic
Posted: November 9, 2009 Filed under: Art, Crappy Writing | Tags: comic, fair, nanowrimo, transform 3 Comments »Not a very productive day as far as wordcount goes, but I’ve now nailed the plot and characters I need to take the story to its conclusion, so I can power on tomorrow 🙂
also I made a comic for the intermission: (if its clipped by the bar at the right and you cant see the whole image its ok to download it 🙂
- Total Words: 22,847
- Todays words: 717 (ouch, a big low, but I’ve made enough headway for it to be ok)
New chapters (only 2) start at Act 2 in the PDF: Fair_Day08
Day 6, Act one complete, new cover
Posted: November 6, 2009 Filed under: Art, Crappy Writing | Tags: fair, nanowrimo, sketch 7 Comments »Well it’s been a pretty good day, well, there was a point where I was afraid to go into my room and was put off writing for a few hours cuz a wasp got in and I have a massive fear of the bastards… but apart from that today was all good, I completed Act one of the novel, which clocks in at almost half the NaNoWriMo target wordcount.
also I made fresh art for the cover, (also its the first non-mspaint art on the blog, ohmigods!)

from left to right; Claire, Timon, Aella (also they may be the best clouds I've ever done in photoshop)
anyhoo, here are todays vitals:
- Total word count: 22,130
- Today’s count: 3,382 (back on form baby!)
ok, if you want to read it so far here is the pdf (new chapters start at 42): Fair_Day06
also seeing as how some of you guys have confessed to actually reading these updates, now you have to tell me what you think of the first act, what are your opinions on the characters? on the fights? or the story in general? you suckers admitted to reading this crap so now you have to tell me what you think! ha! =p
Riding the Glyph
Posted: November 3, 2009 Filed under: Art, Crappy Writing | Tags: fair, mspaint, nanowrimo, sketch Leave a comment »Calling it a day early this time, lots of plot stuff happened and I don’t know where the characters want to go next, so ima sleep on it. in the meantime here an illustration containing spoilers from chapter 31:
And the stats:
- Total Wordcount: 16,379
- Today’s count: 3,413
and the latest version (new chapters start at 29): Fair_Day03