Monster time

No nanowrimo stuff today (may not actually get any more done this month) but I am crashing at my mum’s now and have been playing around with the blender 2.5 alpha.


I have to admit since watching Logan’s timelapse building the models for our miniLD game I realised how… ‘flat’ my models are, and for alot of stuff I prefer that, but I dont want to feel it’s something I’m limited too,ย and because my approach to limitations is to kick them in the shin I am playing around with more ‘sculpty detail’ models.

Day 24, much better :)


  • Total words: 42,589
  • Today’s words: 2,081

new chapters start at 95 (though I changed 94 a teensy bit too): Fair_Day24

writing was much better today, like Willem commented on the last post, after being stuck in a rut it builds up pressure and you work much faster afterwards, not only did I lay down a respectable wordcount I also arted plenty too. (not fair-related but meh)

first some more playing around with blender’s sculpt mode:


also I did some photoshop scribblings of a girl’s first day of training after joining cyborg operations (the first training exercise determines what parts of your body are better off mechanical):

cyborgtraining01I also heard a rumour that today the new version of blender would be released and I got all excited but its a no-show so far… apart from that though its been a pretty productive day for me ๐Ÿ˜€

Day 23, uuuuuugh -_-

Today I only wrote 903 words… and they all suck ๐Ÿ™

  • Total Words: 40,508
  • Today’s words: 903

new chapters start… 93: Fair_Day23

Its mostly because I am writing stuff I have been building up to for ages and I’m finding that it’s difficult to get the right tone, so I’m just wading through it as best I can and once I’ve written the rest I’ll come back to this stuff.

also I started storyboarding a trailer but I doubt I’ll ever get round to making it, I dont have the time and there are other projects that will have to take priority (very exciting and cool projects) in december.

bleeeeh, I’ll go at it full steam tommorow. I need to veg out listening to music tonight I think

edit: after watching Logan in super speed I figured I’d check out this multires stuff in blender, and it turns out blender can do what I liked about z-brush but for free, so yay. this guy was made from a cube:


more miniLD, also a Fair sketch

Well its the end of another day miniLDing with ArabFlak, and because we started 12.30pm yesterday, I can sleep twice during the 48 hours and still have time to finish up the game morewhich is cool as its technically all there, just not very fun… very freaky though:


also I had time before doctor who (which was awesome btw) to do an illustration for my NaNoWriMo novel, this is Aella just before the end of Act 1:

AellaKillsok guys, I need sleep, bai o/

miniLD#14 is it a comedy or a tradgedy?

its a collaborative miniLD this time (awesome idea and theme thanks to terry)

I’m working with My bestest buddy Logan (a.k.a ArabFlak), he’s using his amazing 3D and texturing skills, I’musing my mediocre coding and animation abilities, and so far we have freaky shit:

Why this guy was given nipples is beyond me, but at the same time its totally awesome

Why this guy was given nipples is beyond me, but at the same time its totally awesome

Happy nightmares bitches! o/