Day 25, finished… the story!

Yep, the story is now done, I even wrote ‘end’ after it. not hit the magic 50k quite yet, but its definately within my grasp 😀

  • Total Words: 46,277
  • Today’s words: 3,688 (booyah!)

new chapters start at 103: Fair_Day25

From here on I’ll be going back in and adding descriptions and a few edits where they are needed to bump up the word count but as far as I’m concerned finishing the story was the milestone I was most concerned about so I’m very happy today. 😀

also I worked more on that sketch I uploaded yesterday, I kept flipping back between writing and colouring and this is where I’m up to:


Still more to do on that too but I like how it’s coming along. anyhoo I’m going off now, lots to do tommorow so I gotta be ready 🙂