Swift☆Stitch 1.1, Phone Phantom, Swift÷Swap, Leaper★ and NaNoWriMo

…man I am doing A LOT of things right now O__O. anyhoo, let’s get started!


the 1.1 version is available, for windows, Mac and LINUX! This update is mostly about running smoother than the last version, and it also brings across a few improvements I made whilst porting the game to iOS.

If you bought the game from me you can get the update from the download page, if you bought the game elsewhere, you can get the update from there whenever that service decides to do stuff 😀


Phone Phantom:

So for Indie Buskers I made a game called ‘Phone Phantom‘, I’m going to polish it up a little before I start selling it myself (like I am doing with my last indie buskers game, Rose&Time) but I’m super happy with it 🙂



This is something I started ages ago but put on hold, recently it’s started sitting on my mind so I’m finishing it so I can get on with other stuff, it’ll be primarily a mobile game, but I’ll consider putting it on PC in the future, not much reason not to.



I submitted Leaper★ to the IGF, wooo! 😀 mostly it’s getting to be pretty solid and when I am working on it now, it’s mostly on the art which is tiiiiiiiime conssuuuuuuuuuming. also I spoke to an awesome musician about making music for it, and he said yes. woo! 😀



I’m also taking part in NaNoWriMo this year too, if you’re taking part make sure to buddy me!


…so yeah, I’m doing a lot right now! 😀

Indie Buskers the 2nd!

We’re having another session of Indie Busking this weekend, with three new buskers to boot! Check out the website over the weekend to see us making games, and drop some money into the hat to net yourself all the games we make! So that’s basically pay-what-you-want for seven brand new games you watched come into existence from nothing!

If you are curious what to expect from these 7 games, here’s what we made last time as a reference/brag:

We’ll pick game ideas that have been submitted to us, and voted to the top page of our subreddit so make sure you submit and vote if you want a say in what we make! 🙂

apart from that, remember to follow the Indie Buskers twitter account, and I’ll have a new game out on Monday!