Dinosaurs didn’t have keyboards

…but if they did, they wouldn’t break (like yours is about to)


Yep, I made a game for mini Ludum Dare this weekend, click here to play.

also as I havent pointed it out on this blog yet, work on Phantasmal has resumed since taking a break from it to make BOXGAME (yes, it was that long ago I stopped work on it omg)

more miniLD, also a Fair sketch

Well its the end of another day miniLDing with ArabFlak, and because we started 12.30pm yesterday, I can sleep twice during the 48 hours and still have time to finish up the game morewhich is cool as its technically all there, just not very fun… very freaky though:


also I had time before doctor who (which was awesome btw) to do an illustration for my NaNoWriMo novel, this is Aella just before the end of Act 1:

AellaKillsok guys, I need sleep, bai o/

miniLD#14 is it a comedy or a tradgedy?

its a collaborative miniLD this time (awesome idea and theme thanks to terry)

I’m working with My bestest buddy Logan (a.k.a ArabFlak), he’s using his amazing 3D and texturing skills, I’musing my mediocre coding and animation abilities, and so far we have freaky shit:

Why this guy was given nipples is beyond me, but at the same time its totally awesome

Why this guy was given nipples is beyond me, but at the same time its totally awesome

Happy nightmares bitches! o/