
So recently a few folks have remarked how Square-Enix totally ripped off my linear RPG, of course I have a team of lawyers working on getting me the billions of yen they owe me, but in the mean-time, a very awesome person called janz approached me asking if it would be cool for him to translate the game into Chinese. my response was ‘Hell yes!’

linearrpgchYou can play this version of the game by clicking here.

on a personal note, I am really psyched about this, it’s the first time one of my games has ever been available in a language other than English, so a huge thanks to janz for his awesome offer and translation 😀

5 Comments on “Kliche醒来之后感到非常的湿,这一切不过是一场梦,一场春梦。”

  1. Willem says:

    First let them make a big profit. If you’d sue them now, they wouldn’t be able to continue releasing it. That is : if you’re after the money, which i think you’re not.
    What i’m saying is: if you feel bored some day a few years from now, you can still sue them. Until that day, you’ll know that whatever springs from your genius mind, will probably sell equally well, and possibly better, because it’s not stolen in the first place (cosmic laws and all that)

  2. ChinaBoy says:

    Thanks for the game,thanks for the wonderful translation,all AWESOME!

  3. Simon says:

    I once made a small Oblivion-mod that had like 5,000 downloads, it was pretty weird when I found out that someone had translated it to portuguese (I think it was portuguese) without even telling me. 😛

  4. Wilson says:

    Wait a minute… U know Mandarin…..? OMG….. I know what it means….. LOL…… I haven’t play the game yet…. But….. It’s all a …………. = =!!!!!!!

  5. Sophie says:

    @Wilson, like I say, it was janz who wrote the translation, I’m only really any good at English right now I’m afraid ^_^;

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