Been a while since I posted,
Posted: January 22, 2010 Filed under: Art, Papercraft | Tags: Arrowa, cyborg, Phantasmal 3 Comments »still been making arts though, there’s drawy type arts with cosplay:
with cyborg super size guns:
and with mini versions of some of my favourite OCs, (Mania, SDG, Arrowa, Aella, Hyades, Xe)
Also today I quickly knocked up a new papercraft template:
Haven’t started building it yet as I got no glue or anything to hold it together, but here’s the first draft of the template if anyone wants to try: tikey2
Goodness that’s a long post, I should update more frequently ^_^;
Tumbledrop Star papercraft
Posted: October 18, 2009 Filed under: Papercraft | Tags: Papercraft, tumbledrop Leave a comment »So I got bored yesterday waiting for kotm to start, so I played tumbledrop, but I ran out of levels to play, so I made this…
shoud be simple enough to build so theres no instructions, and once its dont you can stack random stuff and place it at the top.
I showed it to dock and told him how I wanted to make a whole set and balance them over the bath water to be just like the game, but he had a cooler idea: tumbledrop soaps!
seriously guys, if you bump into dock tell him he has to make tumbledrop soaps a reality, if you dont love tumbledrop enough to want to rub bits of it into your skin there is something wrong with you!
oh, and of course character, design and tumbledrop belong to dock 🙂
Posted: October 17, 2009 Filed under: Papercraft | Tags: Papercraft 7 Comments »So I finally built my first papercraft yesterday, I made the model and layout in quite a hurry, it was all just a practice exercise really, but I’m happy with how it turned out:

So this is what it's supposed to look like
Its far from perfect, but for a first try ever I think its pretty cool, and I learnt plenty too, stuff like ‘swords made of one sheet with no folds are bendy’
the most important thing I found out though was: a 10cm tall model with this detail is insanely tiny to work on.
you see her hands? simple they may be, but those things are about a fifth the size of my pinky nail, I wouldnt have been able to put this together at all if my mum hadnt suggested using cocktail sticks to position the flaps from the inside to make sure they glued right.
oh yeah, and this took 9 hours to build, a shock to me yes, but it was a fun 9 hours so I’m looking forward to using what I’ve learnd to build bigger and better models!