Posted: March 23, 2009 Filed under: Game stuffs, General Stuffs Leave a comment »Just got a hold of the recently released windows version of the unity game engine, this shit is hot, check out my first few days of tests:
first of all its graphics testing, a quick rigged model with parralax specular maps and stuff:
then we start practicing game code (and skip ahead before we are done, but the lights are pretty):
then we actually make a proper game of snake:
They all have arrow key interaction and you will of course need the unity web player to have a go 🙂
And thats pretty much all the things I do to get the hang of new software, which means now I’m working on original games, starting with porting what I have of Runcible Sky as now its a project I can finish (flash couldnt reasonably handle it, Unity can and then some).