Posted: October 17, 2009 Filed under: Papercraft | Tags: Papercraft 7 Comments »So I finally built my first papercraft yesterday, I made the model and layout in quite a hurry, it was all just a practice exercise really, but I’m happy with how it turned out:

So this is what it's supposed to look like
Its far from perfect, but for a first try ever I think its pretty cool, and I learnt plenty too, stuff like ‘swords made of one sheet with no folds are bendy’
the most important thing I found out though was: a 10cm tall model with this detail is insanely tiny to work on.
you see her hands? simple they may be, but those things are about a fifth the size of my pinky nail, I wouldnt have been able to put this together at all if my mum hadnt suggested using cocktail sticks to position the flaps from the inside to make sure they glued right.
oh yeah, and this took 9 hours to build, a shock to me yes, but it was a fun 9 hours so I’m looking forward to using what I’ve learnd to build bigger and better models!
:O That’s insanely Awesome! =D
Is that like a program to make your own 3D papercutout thingies?? :O
I suppose you’ll have to paint it now to get rid of the numbers…
well normally you wouldnt be able to see the numbers, I should have put them on the flaps =/
anyhoo this is just a test model, I dont think I’ll do anything else to it 🙂
Wow, I love it, it’s so blue. May I have a photo of it next to a penny for a size comparison.
sadly its currently many miles away from me, but I’ll try and remember to take a shot next time I go back home 🙂
Thanks, I’ll look forward to it.
Hi !!
I like yopur first model on paperkura.
Can you give me advice about hot to’s paperkura use?
I got it, but never practiced yet.
I dont understand it, i never draw ani image, just inser image on CAD formats?
Just congrats.
Hi mark33sv, how to use pepakura depends largely on if you are using pepakura designer or pepajura viewer. if you are wanting to design your own paper craft templates in pepakura designer, I think you really need a decent understanding of 3D modeling, since pepakura is really just a 3D retopology tool. mostly you just have to learn about how models are built with edges and faces that line up, and pepakura designer is all about choosing where those edges are connected and where they dont so that the 3D model can be ‘unwrapped’ into 2D space in a way thats not to difficult to fold and put back together. since I approached pepakura as a 3D artist, thats how I see it, but there *may* be a non-3D-artist tutorial available online if you google around some, since making papercraft is a much broader practice than 3D modeling.
if you are just using pepakura viewer to find other peoples papercraft templates, just load the .pdo and hit print 😉
hopefully that was useful to you 🙂