Well, I think there is a probleme here, and few bugs to fix.
There is nothing on the track, so nothing to do. Just the track moving and the music playing.
[…] and fast at the end, too. As a result, my keys have come off and I want to know who to sue. Play MegaSuper: TIMEWARP (Unity, Windows, OSX) VN:F [1.3.4_676]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) Share this […]
In case anyone else is having the ‘no notes’ issue, I’ve narrowed down the issue and sent a problem report to the unity software peoples. I dont know how long it will take them to fix but I’ll update the game files whenever unity gets an upgrade 🙂
until then I’m sorry, if you are desperate to play then steal a friends pc =p
Well, I think there is a probleme here, and few bugs to fix.
There is nothing on the track, so nothing to do. Just the track moving and the music playing.
DarkNemo » gah, a couple of people have had this problem, I’ll be sure to let the unity folks know about what I think the issue is 🙂
[…] and fast at the end, too. As a result, my keys have come off and I want to know who to sue. Play MegaSuper: TIMEWARP (Unity, Windows, OSX) VN:F [1.3.4_676]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) Share this […]
In case anyone else is having the ‘no notes’ issue, I’ve narrowed down the issue and sent a problem report to the unity software peoples. I dont know how long it will take them to fix but I’ll update the game files whenever unity gets an upgrade 🙂
until then I’m sorry, if you are desperate to play then steal a friends pc =p
Well regardless of when the unity folks fix the bug, Timewarp no longer cares, I bypassed the problem and it should work for all now 🙂
Yes, it’s ok now ^^ Thanks !
By the way, it was quite interesting, even if it’s difficult to play 4 letters with one hand.
Guess your site doesnt like hotmail emails…
The game is pretty epic xD
Took me a while to work out what to do, but got there in the end.
Its like a cross between guitar hero and audio surf, can’t go wrong xP