Nevermore 3 released, new project underway
Posted: March 28, 2009 Filed under: Game stuffs, General Stuffs Leave a comment »first of all, Adam Westerman, A brilliant artist and all out dude has finished Nevermore 3, a game I have been waiting on for years, it it was worth the wait, make sure to check it out.
Incidentally, the engine he used to make the game with was a modified version of an open platform game engine I released a while back, but the replacement engine thats in Alpha right now already has more features and is much more sexy, so check that out too if you want to make a platformer without learning that programming stuff.
and whats this talk of a new project I… talk of… >.>
I actually plan to sell this one so that means I’ll try to take the time to make sure it isnt shit before I release it ^_^
I dont think theres much else to say but if you want more frequent, less relevant updates I’m on twitter.