Detailed breakdowns of result will show the name and value of every settled dice at the moment the result was recorded, as well as a record of any user values that were used as part of the roll and what their value was at the time of the result.
Dice may have roll markers applied to indicate their status, these are:
Dice which are pinned have their results fixed, if a result indicates it was pinned then the result was set in an earlier roll and it's value has been fixed since.
Much like pinned dice, an unrolled die's value was settled during a previous roll. A die may remain unrolled in subsequent rolls as new dice are added to the tray, or existing dice other than the unrolled ones are re-rolled and settle.
Disregarded dice are not included as part of dice pool sums, though they may be counted if variables such as "disregardCount" are part of the result expression. See variables documentation for more information.
Dice which were added to the result as part of an expression. Usually by dice explosion or sub-expressions. These dice may not necessarily have been added as part of the current roll result, but this can be determined by examining the result expression and dice values if needed.
Dice which have had their values deliberately set. Outside of expressions, the values for these dice are usually counted separately from the main dice sum (this setting can be adjusted in the results settings).
Additionally, text styling that is part of the result may indicate certain things
- Realistically Biased
Dice which were rolled with the 'Realistic Bias' setting (as opposed to the 'Perfect Fairness' setting) have their results/pools indicated by italicised text. These dice are not necessarily 'unfair', but rather have simulated physical imperfections which make them slightly less fair. For most dice shapes, this will be largely unnoticeable and barely effect their outcomes - however for anisohedral and novelty shapes, realistic bias can present more significantly skewed results.
- Curated/Removed/Tampered dice pools
If a dice pool has had dice removed from it, it will be underlined. This marking will be removed once all dice in the pool are unsettled/rolling at the same time. This kind of marking can indicate tampering, because while the dice which remain may have been rolled fairly individually - if they were selected from a collection of poorer results, the final result is at least partialy deliberate.
Finally, if User Values are incorporated into a result, they will be listed in the breakdown below the dice.