Privacy Policy for Use of My Software

I don’t collect any data.

I have great respect for your personal data and so it is not requested, collected, stored, transmitted, or shared in any way by me through your use of my software (apps).

Some data may be processed by my software which is necessary for it to function on your device (for example, your screen resolution).

Some data you enter when using the software may necessarily be stored on your device (for example, files that are saved so you can keep work/progress/settings between sessions). I do not collect or monitor this data in any way. However, because it may not be encrypted I do recommend that you don’t enter information that you prefer kept private, as others with access to your device may discover it.

To create my software, I use third-party tools (such as the Unity game engine) which may collect usage data or other information. I do my best to disable this, however some data may still be collected. The Unity privacy policy can be reviewed here:

- Sophie Houlden